Naomi Muthoni Njoki Mureria
FamilyPermanent link to this section.
They are the child of Grishon Mureria Gĩitandira, Grace Wamaitha Mureria.
Ancestral names include Gikonyo, Gĩitandira, Kiagayu, Kigweru, Kimondo, Mureria, wa Ishkimu, wa Kibi, wa Mathenge, wa Ndumo, wa Thagawa, wa Waitha, Waitha.
They had 2 children with Douglas David Wagura Wang'ombe .
Descendant names include Wagura.
TimelinePermanent link to this section.
- Birth
- Death (David was a few months old) of Moses Kimondo Gikonyo
- Birth of David Wang'ombe Wagura
- Birth of Utheri Mureria Wagura